Seattle was wonderful ! We experienced just a few minutes of rain in 5 days. That is remarkable!
We saw a Dale Chihuly exhibit at a small gallery near the Seattle Art Museum. His work is everywhere in Seattle even our hotel was decorated with his drawings and photographs. He is one of my favorite artists so this was no hardship.
We were able to watch a glass blowing demonstration at another gallery near the Space Needle it is fascinating and I would of happily spent all day there.
My friend Ashlee and I went on her first trip up the needle and I was was able to revisit the site of my worst date ever. Still a lovely view and still nauseating to me.
We ate some wonderful seafood... wandered the market, loved the beautful flowers, and the show the flying fish brothers put on... funny to me that they have been doing this since I lived there in the mid 80's and who knows how many years before that. I thoroughly enjoyed people watching there were so many beautiful children at the market on Saturday. The sounds and smells of the market are just as I remembered. It is good to know that some places don't change.
I did have a bit of a fiasco with some new shoes. They kept throwing me to the ground whenever I'd step on an uneven surface and anyone who has ever walked in Seattle knows there is a lot of uneven surfaces. A good, long laugh was had by all when I fell at a young man's feet he, however, did not crack a smile. Thankfully, I was able to return them to the store where I purchased them and brand name won't be mentioned since many people are quite capable of walking in them.
Plane travel was made bearable by the nice crews on Southwest airlines and the Bloody Mary's were quite drinkable.
We had a near accident on the way to the Seattle airport someone pulled in front of our bus and the driver had to brake rather abruptly throwing some nice ladies to the floor and into the back of the drivers seat. There was some blood and delays while we all gave our names in case of any future medical problems for the ladies. It was pretty good driving by our bus driver I was certain we were going to hit the car. Here is an interesting thing about being an eye witness.... I saw a gray Volvo station wagon, the bus driver saw a gray mini van and my friend Lynn saw a red car. Hmmm! I hope I never get called into a line-up.
It has been busy since I have been home. I had work at a local art exhibit on Sunday and opened my solo show on Sunday. My next show opens November 9th and I am at last all finished with the last minute details... just need to deliver the art.
This coming Saturday October 25th I will have a booth at the Mascoutah Fall Festival ... today I am discharge dyeing t-shirts to sell there. It is a beautiful fall day here and perhaps my last warm day to work outside.
The orange is creeping into my woods and the sound of leaf showers is wonderful. Wearing a sweater and a smile!
Be well and keep your hips moving through the Sweet Years.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
My Favorite Color is Orange

I am leaving the woods and early morning owl song for Seattle. When I return I expect some leaf changes. This is my favorite time of year when the blackbirds fly in by the thousands, it is time for sweaters, soup, and orange everywhere.
Seattle is one of my favorite places... I lived there long ago and will enjoy returning for a visit. My dear friend Lynn will graduate from her life coaching program and I'll get to help her celebrate this accomplishment and meet her new friends. She will be an exceptional coach.
I have been busy applying discharge dyes to t-shirts creating my one of a kind blackbird designs. These shirts sold really well at the Rend Lake Art and Wine festival and I hope to finish a bunch of them before the weather gets cold and I can't work on my back porch anymore.
Orange is bold, powerful, warm and energizing a perfect color!
Be well..... and remember these are the Sweet Years !
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