I am home and recovered from my trip. The first day back I felt like I had a head stuffed with cotton. 16 hours of sleep made all the difference. Now I am making plans for my upcoming shows and ruminating on some work in progress trying to get back in the routine of work.

My daughter Charlie treated me to the trip to Italy and Greece. With great pride I watched her interaction with her students. She is a great teacher and a lovely woman and I am proud of her. Her 14 students were really fun to spend the nine days with. I was so impressed with them ...what a great group. We were joined by 2 other groups of students one from San Antonio Texas and one from Virginia our group totaled 36 . Having 36 people traveling together was not without it's challenges especially when it came to meal time.
We were kept very busy this trip. I took 620 pictures... do you want to see them? I'll post the best of them over time so you don't get bored with them.
No dancing since my return but tomorrow is a new day!
Be well and dance if you get a moment.
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