Remember the song by Little River Band... I do it is an old favorite.
This line keeps going through my head the past few days.
If there is one thing in my life that's missing it's the time that I spend alone....
I know it is necessary for my well being to have at least an hour alone everyday. How about you do you crave alone time? Find it hard to find the space in your day?
The holidays make it harder because everyone is home...nobody goes to work or school. Hosting guests is both enjoyable and tiring.... preparing a house is a lot of work but pleasing when it is finished. Not much time for silence and I feel it in my impatience with conversation and noise.
Tomorrow we all go back to work and school and the routines in an everyday week.
The cool change for me is about making time for silence and creativity both things necessary to my well being. If I can be silent and creative at the same time this is an added joy.
So my goal before the new year arrives is to better define my goals as an artist and build a better schedule for my time so that the alone, creative and silent time I need is present everyday.
How about you .... do you get enough silence?
Be well.... be silent and see what arises?
Yes, we all need time for our selves. My kids know that when the music gets really loud that it is time to let me be. I have found music can put me back in sorts. I usually need one or two undisturbed songs and I am able to get back into the groove of life
I too need time alone. My husband used to travel Monday through Thursday. So I was used to being alone four out of seven days a week. However, he is now retired. Although I love him to death, I miss my alone time a lot. So, I use my studio as my place of refuge. He rarely comes in and bothers me other then to look at what I am working on, or to tell me he is going off to do something. So it is wonderful. I also walk as much as I can with my two dogs. Now that winter is here it is a bit harder to do but I enjoy the peace of walking and many times I come up with great ideas when my mind is clear and open for suggestions.
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