There are times I will stay home for days at a time usually in my pajamas. I put clean ones on every morning and call this getting dressed for the day. Living in my pajamas feels like a pretty natural state. My postman has seen me in my flannel pants more than he has seen me wearing jeans. I have to confess this started feeling weird at Christmas when he was delivering packages every day! I even contemplated getting dressed just for the postman so he wouldn't think I was that weird lady recluse living in her pajamas. More likely is that Ron the postman has never noticed what I am wearing. Well... except for the day I had to chase my dog Gracie back in the house. I was wearing my flannel pajamas with the big yellow paint spot on the rear end and bed head.
Do you ever wonder if the post people talk about what comes in our mailboxes? Living in the rural Midwest I am sure the covers of some of my art magazines have made some heads shake.
When I did the art2mail postcard exchange I had a lady postal worker named Lyn delivering mail. She loved the cards and even asked if she could see the ones that came in envelopes. She said the postal staff would gather around the new cards that came in to see the new ones as they came in.
Lyn... I might add worked in her comfy clothes and shares my same birth day. I never worried about being in my pajamas when she delivered mail. . She always came inside to see what I was working on when she delivered a package to the door. I miss her big smile and her enthusiastic love of my work. What's not to like about that? She'll be back in a couple months and I look forward to it.
Here is the address to art2mail if anyone is interested . Some of the postcards I made for my last exchange are pictured above.
Sometimes it is important to say yes to leaving the studio for an outing with a friend or a trip to run errands. It feels good! I come home refreshed and ready to go to work again. It is nice to talk to someone who listens and responds that isn't me.
Instead of thinking there is not enough time I am going to believe there is lots of time for me to create...and really isn't every minute of life about creating something... a thought ... an idea... a sound... a belief. .. a movement.
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